Webinar – What is Truelift?


13 June 2013 (Thursday)
10:00am EDT
Email: info[@]truelift.org  to RSVP


Ask yourself why you got involved in microfinance in the first place?
If you’re like us, you got involved in microfinance in order to make a real difference for people living in poverty.

We are pleased to invite you to join us in a renewed commitment to positive and enduring change in the lives of poor people and to celebrate the culmination of three years of work and industry collaboration. Join us and learn about our new focus, name and logo!

Truelift is a global initiative to renew focus on the pro-poor objective of microfinance. Truelift is a trust mark – in microfinance and beyond – to signify commitment to positive and enduring change for people living in poverty.

Truelift provides a strategic framework for pro-poor microfinance, including standards and indicators. Truelift also promotes a learning environment for improved products, services, and delivery channels. Within the Community of Practice, practitioners and others will share effective practices and collaborate to solve difficult challenges. Initially conceived as the “Seal of Excellence for Poverty Outreach and Transformation in Microfinance,” the initiative was renamed in order to represent its broader objective but will still recognize practitioners doing the most for their poor clients.

5 thoughts on “Webinar – What is Truelift?

  1. Pingback: Webinar “What is Truelift?” today! | 100 Million Ideas

  2. I would like to join truelift, but we are facing challenges with the internet in my area. Is it possible for me to join you as a student? would it be possible for me to get the PDF version of the presentation of 13th of June 2013? Thank you.

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